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How to Kill Your Husband (and other handy household hints)

All women want to kill their husbands some of the time

“Where there’s a will, I intend to be in it,” wives half-joke to each other.

Marriage, it would appear, is a fun-packed frivolous hobby, only occasionally resulting in death. But when Jazz Jardine is arrested for her husband’s murder, the joke falls flat.

Life should begin at 40 – not with life imprisonment for killing your spouse. Jazz, stay-at-home mum and domestic goddess; Hannah, childless career woman; and Cassie, demented working mother of two are three ordinary women. Their record collections are classical, not criminal. Cassie and Hannah set out immediately to prove their best friend’s innocence, uncovering betrayal, adultery, plot twists, thinner thighs and toy boys aplenty en route but will their friendship survive these ever darker revelations?

Love for the book

A darkly funny, pun filled satire on yummy mummy culture, with humanity at its heart.

The Daily Mail

One-liners, wise cracks and witticisms

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