Tag: Education

What offends you?

I like a captive audience – but not in prison. Which is clearly where I’m bound. And so are you, probably. I mean, were you aware that anyone caught swearing in public in South Australia…

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Thinking Outside the Neurotypical Box

Earlier this week I posted a piece about my son Julius’ autistic journey from being badly bullied at school to winning a main part in BBC’s medical drama Holby City. The piece has already had…

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When my autistic son was nine he came home with a sign sticky-taped to his back saying “Kick me I’m a retard.” Tearing up, he stammered, “The kids call me a retard… What is a…

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Don’t let women be runners up in the human race

In the West, women still don’t have equal pay. We’re getting about 75 pence in the pound, or 75 cents in the dollar. Plus we’re getting concussion hitting our heads on the glass ceiling, plus…

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