Category: Books

The Revenge Club: UK Book Tour

My darlings, I’m here! Well, strictly speaking, I’m everywhere. Join me as I tour my beloved sceptre’d isle to celebrate my latest novel, The Revenge Club: a furiously funny and deliciously outrageous tale of rage…

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Present Tense: Getting Tense About Presents.

I’m currently sobbing in a foetal ball. My condition? Severe P.P. – Prezzie Paranoia. With Santa already harnessing his reindeers, I still haven’t made any purchases. What to buy? It doesn’t help being a chronic…

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The Trump-Ectomy (Plus a shameless book plug)

So, are you ready to cancel your subscription to 2021? Have you tried the two week free trial and find that you’re not satisfied in any way, shape or form? Join the club. As if…

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Live with Better Reading

Recently, I had a chat with the lovely people at Better Reading about my new best seller – ‘HRT: Husband Replacement Therapy’ – via the technical wizardry of Facebook. I hope that you enjoy this…

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HRT: Husband Replacement Therapy

With the glimmer of hope that we’re emerging from hibernation, what will life be like after lockdown? Imagine it – no more supermarket queues so long there are Cro-Magnons at the front. The only lines…

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Testing Corona Positive

Are you testing positive for Corona? I don’t mean the vile disease. I mean, are you secretly enjoying self isolation? I know this deadly pandemic is terrifying, but much to my amazement, I am finding…

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No ifs or butts…

Bottom cosmetic surgery is a bum steer. It’s time to talk about the bottom line. No, not the financial one. The cheeky one. The one you’re sitting on. When I was growing up, skinniness was…

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Thanks for the mammaries

As the mammogram nurse squished my breast between two cold slabs, I cried out as if in the Inquisitioner’s torture dungeon. “The trouble is, your breasts are sitting very close to your chest,” she commiserated….

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Optimism is not an eye disease

My local bookshop has a new sign in the window – “Please note; the post-apocalyptical fiction section has been moved to current affairs.” It’s hard to disagree. What with burning rainforests; Alabama rolling back abortion…

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Australian Friends: Girls Night Out Tour November 2019

TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Grab your girlfriends and join me for a night of tales. I’ll be baring all about some of my favourite things: From puberty blues to menopause blues, with tales of love,…

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