Tag: Royal Family

RIP Prince Philip. A closet Aussie?

A few Royal musings… Conservationist, controversialist, champion of young people, ladies’ man, larrikin – as the world mourns Prince Philip, Monarchists and Republicans alike can agree that the Duke was a bit of a dude….

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Soap Oprah – Whose side are you on?

Harry and Meghan, The Palace or Republicanism? So, now the blood has soaked into the shagpile, what did you make of the Soap Oprah? I’ve been in Britain since the broadcast and let me tell…

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Should Harry be present on Meghan’s big opening night?

As Meghan Markle prepares to stretch her birth canal the customary five kilometres to produce her royal baby, one question looms large. Will Harry attend the birth? Having fought so hard to allow fathers into…

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Nanny State

Traditionally, the wife of a monarch breaks the news of impending fatherhood with the words, “Darling, we’re going to have a nanny!” For centuries, the upper class have preferred canines to kids, keeping their dogs at…

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A Watched Womb Never Boils – Top Tips for Kate Middleton

As I write this, a pregnant pause has descended on the world as we await news of the royal baby. This morning I cycled past St Mary’s hospital where Kate Middleton is due to give…

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