Tag: Empowerment

Strong Female Lead

This doco proves that dinosaurs still roam the earth. #StrongFemaleLead is succinct, powerful, well-paced + devastating.  A must watch for all Australians.  SBS 12th Sept. @sflfilm #MyFemaleLead #JuliaGillard https://fb.watch/7kmYz3vcq_/

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Time for a new genre for women of a certain age…

Many wanna-be-authors will be penning a new year’s resolution to finally finish that novel. The most important decision writers on their Literary ‘L’ plates must make is what genre tickles their creative fancy. Comedy is…

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Hottest Women In The World – And Not Just Due To Hot Flushes

Why do men like their wine old and their women young? It’s a conundrum we females have debated over many a glass of vino as yet another of our attractive, vivacious, dynamic, middle-aged girlfriends gets…

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Get Ready For The Roaring 20’s, Party Animals

Are you ready to party? Because the “roaring 20’s” are on their way. World War 1 followed by the Spanish flu pandemic ensured that the 1920’s also got off to a bad start. But when…

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Not so perfect Mother’s Day

Are you a Mum? Then step up to the podium and receive your award. Kid and career juggling takes the agility and expertise of a gymnast trying to balance on a beam. For decades you’ve…

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Optimism is not an eye disease

My local bookshop has a new sign in the window – “Please note; the post-apocalyptical fiction section has been moved to current affairs.” It’s hard to disagree. What with burning rainforests; Alabama rolling back abortion…

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Feline Groovy: Why can’t older women play the same fun field as ‘silver fox’ men?

Grrrr… What’s that growling noise? Can you hear it?… It took me a while to realise that the sound is actually originating from Yours Truly, as I purr at passing men. Yep that’s right. Overnight…

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Mummy Porn

For most married couples, being ‘creative in bed’ simply means taking up knitting whilst watching Lateline. There comes a time in every marriage when a slow drip sexual ennui sets in. It’s been so long…

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Don’t let women be runners up in the human race

In the West, women still don’t have equal pay. We’re getting about 75 pence in the pound, or 75 cents in the dollar. Plus we’re getting concussion hitting our heads on the glass ceiling, plus…

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