Tag: Lockdown

Letting it all hang out…

Are you watching your weight? I am. I’m looking at it right now, bulging out there in front of me – a little tootsie roll of tummy overlapping my jeans. All that festive feasting means…

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OZ-Catraz – My Aussie Odyssey

I’ve never been so glad to see a horlicks and a hob nob. Why? Well, I’ve just got back to Britain after a two month Sydney lockdown. My Oz Odyssey felt like a time warp….

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Wordplay is foreplay for females – What makes a perfect lover.

There’s a lot to be said for celibacy and most of it begins with “Why me?”  I suppose there are worse things … like hepatitis and death. The pandemic has created a loneliness epidemic.  Many…

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Hotel Quarantine

Greetings from Oz-caltraz; which is what I’m calling my quarantine hotel in Sydney. I’ve just ticked off day eleven of a two week incarceration and the walls of hotel cell may soon need to be…

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Male vanity

Hmmm, what’s that big, hairy thing blocking your view of the bathroom mirror? Wait, could it be… your husband? Yep. Most probably. Thanks to the pandemic, men are getting love bites on their mirrors. Latest…

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How to be a domestic slattern

It was a tough call and I really had to steal my nerves, but I finally got up the courage to fire myself from cleaning my house. Not only did I catch myself drinking heavily…

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Special needs in this specially needy time

Have you found the lock down nerve-wracking? Well, imagine what it’s like if you suffer from an anxiety disorder. Or if you’re caring for someone who does. My 29 year old son Jules is autistic….

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Live with Better Reading

Recently, I had a chat with the lovely people at Better Reading about my new best seller – ‘HRT: Husband Replacement Therapy’ – via the technical wizardry of Facebook. I hope that you enjoy this…

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Corona uncoupling

“What’s in that brown paper bag on your desk?” I asked my girlfriend, over skype. “It’s a bottle of whiskey. I got it for my husband.” “What a great swap,” I laughed. She laughed too,…

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