Tag: Sex

Wordplay is foreplay for females – What makes a perfect lover.

There’s a lot to be said for celibacy and most of it begins with “Why me?”  I suppose there are worse things … like hepatitis and death. The pandemic has created a loneliness epidemic.  Many…

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Testing Corona Positive

Are you testing positive for Corona? I don’t mean the vile disease. I mean, are you secretly enjoying self isolation? I know this deadly pandemic is terrifying, but much to my amazement, I am finding…

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Thanks for the mammaries

As the mammogram nurse squished my breast between two cold slabs, I cried out as if in the Inquisitioner’s torture dungeon. “The trouble is, your breasts are sitting very close to your chest,” she commiserated….

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What offends you?

I like a captive audience – but not in prison. Which is clearly where I’m bound. And so are you, probably. I mean, were you aware that anyone caught swearing in public in South Australia…

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Fake News

I have fake news. Honestly. Not a Trump ‘alternative truth” but real, scientific evidence from two English Universities which reveals that 80% of women have faked pleasure to please a partner. “Women report using these…

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Feline Groovy: Why can’t older women play the same fun field as ‘silver fox’ men?

Grrrr… What’s that growling noise? Can you hear it?… It took me a while to realise that the sound is actually originating from Yours Truly, as I purr at passing men. Yep that’s right. Overnight…

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Mummy Porn

For most married couples, being ‘creative in bed’ simply means taking up knitting whilst watching Lateline. There comes a time in every marriage when a slow drip sexual ennui sets in. It’s been so long…

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