Category: Politics

Dirty Little Secrets

It’s time to talk about our dirty little secrets. And no, I’m not referring to your R-rated risqué bedroom repertoire, chewed fingernails or cat fur balls swept under the rug. No, I’m talking about your…

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My Day Our Plinth Will Come.

…..That’s the thought I had as a statue of a slave trader was chucked into Bristol harbour, Christopher Columbus was beheaded in Boston and confederates like Robert E Lee bit the dust all over America….

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Optimism is not an eye disease

My local bookshop has a new sign in the window – “Please note; the post-apocalyptical fiction section has been moved to current affairs.” It’s hard to disagree. What with burning rainforests; Alabama rolling back abortion…

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Julian Assange: The wanted man who lived in my attic

They say that guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days. Well, not in my house. My London home has been a fragrant aquarium for years. The upside of being married to a human…

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International Women’s Day

On 8th March 2012, as part of International Women’s Day, I took part in the “Join me on the Bridge” campaign in London. Women and men gathered on bridges all around the world to take…

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Don’t let women be runners up in the human race

In the West, women still don’t have equal pay. We’re getting about 75 pence in the pound, or 75 cents in the dollar. Plus we’re getting concussion hitting our heads on the glass ceiling, plus…

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