Tag: Men

Present Tense: Getting Tense About Presents.

I’m currently sobbing in a foetal ball. My condition? Severe P.P. – Prezzie Paranoia. With Santa already harnessing his reindeers, I still haven’t made any purchases. What to buy? It doesn’t help being a chronic…

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Wordplay is foreplay for females – What makes a perfect lover.

There’s a lot to be said for celibacy and most of it begins with “Why me?”  I suppose there are worse things … like hepatitis and death. The pandemic has created a loneliness epidemic.  Many…

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Love the skin you’re in…

Why do men like their wine old and their women young? It’s a conundrum we sixty year old females laughingly discuss over many a glass of vino, because we know full well we’re a bloody…

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Dirty deeds down under…

Is it time to take the Men out of Mensa? If you’re an Australian conservative politician, then the answer’s yes. While women in Britain have been holding vigils for Sarah Everard and exposing “rape culture”…

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All men want…

When did you last have sex? Does your libido feel like a dog trying to nudge its dead owner back to life? Then you’re not alone. A married girlfriend of mine was relining the hamster…

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