Category: Women

Letting it all hang out…

Are you watching your weight? I am. I’m looking at it right now, bulging out there in front of me – a little tootsie roll of tummy overlapping my jeans. All that festive feasting means…

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Present Tense: Getting Tense About Presents.

I’m currently sobbing in a foetal ball. My condition? Severe P.P. – Prezzie Paranoia. With Santa already harnessing his reindeers, I still haven’t made any purchases. What to buy? It doesn’t help being a chronic…

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Wordplay is foreplay for females – What makes a perfect lover.

There’s a lot to be said for celibacy and most of it begins with “Why me?”  I suppose there are worse things … like hepatitis and death. The pandemic has created a loneliness epidemic.  Many…

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Strong Female Lead

This doco proves that dinosaurs still roam the earth. #StrongFemaleLead is succinct, powerful, well-paced + devastating.  A must watch for all Australians.  SBS 12th Sept. @sflfilm #MyFemaleLead #JuliaGillard

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Mummy tummy

Women are forever watching our weight. I can see it right now, in fact, out there in front of me – a little tootsie roll of tummy that sprouted after menopause, which is why, like…

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No more fashion faux pas’ for middle aged women

What does the middle-aged woman look like in 2021? For our mothers, turning 50 meant surrendering to medical support hose and orthopaedic footwear, whiling away the hours knitting her own bus pass. Deemed to have…

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Abuse is deterring women from Political careers. Here’s how not to give a f*ck.

“*** you, you *** f-ing *** piece of ***!!!! ” Welcome to the wonderful world of politics. Poke your head above the parapet in public life and you’re rewarded with the verbal equivalent of rotten…

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Male dieting angst makes women lose our appetite

Women are always watching our weight – I can see it now, actually, right out there in front of me. So anxious are we about said muffin top, thunder thighs, cankles and ‘thigh gap’ that…

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Miscarriage – Breaking the Silence.

Meghan Markle has spoken out today about her miscarriage. “In the pain of our loss, my husband and I discovered that in a room of 100 women, 10 to 20 of them will have suffered…

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Mind the Gap…

Best to avoid bedroom botulism!  It’s a truth universally acknowledged that aged rich men attract younger women like flies to a dropped chop. The 89 year old ex F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone has just had…

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