Category: Women

Hottest Women In The World – And Not Just Due To Hot Flushes

Why do men like their wine old and their women young? It’s a conundrum we females have debated over many a glass of vino as yet another of our attractive, vivacious, dynamic, middle-aged girlfriends gets…

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Get Ready For The Roaring 20’s, Party Animals

Are you ready to party? Because the “roaring 20’s” are on their way. World War 1 followed by the Spanish flu pandemic ensured that the 1920’s also got off to a bad start. But when…

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Not so perfect Mother’s Day

Are you a Mum? Then step up to the podium and receive your award. Kid and career juggling takes the agility and expertise of a gymnast trying to balance on a beam. For decades you’ve…

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Sexing up a Corona cure

We may have to take the word “men’” out of Mensa because it is women who are outsmarting the clever coronavirus. In every country in the world, men are more likely to be admitted to…

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Corona uncoupling

“What’s in that brown paper bag on your desk?” I asked my girlfriend, over skype. “It’s a bottle of whiskey. I got it for my husband.” “What a great swap,” I laughed. She laughed too,…

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HRT: Husband Replacement Therapy

With the glimmer of hope that we’re emerging from hibernation, what will life be like after lockdown? Imagine it – no more supermarket queues so long there are Cro-Magnons at the front. The only lines…

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Time to become an influencer…

Sorry. Make that Influenzor. Blogs, podcasts, Insta updates, influencers…Not having a “lifestyle” platform casts you out into social Siberia. Well, now we can add ‘influenzors’ because every self isolator seems to have a vlog to…

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No ifs or butts…

Bottom cosmetic surgery is a bum steer. It’s time to talk about the bottom line. No, not the financial one. The cheeky one. The one you’re sitting on. When I was growing up, skinniness was…

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Optimism is not an eye disease

My local bookshop has a new sign in the window – “Please note; the post-apocalyptical fiction section has been moved to current affairs.” It’s hard to disagree. What with burning rainforests; Alabama rolling back abortion…

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Competitive Parents

I can’t believe that Extreme Sports Enthusiasts, otherwise known as “organ donors” haven’t taken up ‘parenthood’ as the ultimate risk-taking thrill. Parenthood would be easier if you could be strapped into a simulator to experience…

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