Category: Musings

Birthday Blues?!

NEVER!! It was my birthday this week. Oops. Now you know my star sign. Not that I believe in astrology. As a Scorpio I’m naturally sceptical. (Ha ha.) Anyway, my darling daughter woke me with…

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Aural Sex

Listen up ladies. This is not fake news. Last week we celebrated International Female Orgasm Day. So, how was it for you? I hope you were oh…Oh!!!…OHHHHHH! ver joyed. If you were left high and…

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Mind the Gap…

Best to avoid bedroom botulism!  It’s a truth universally acknowledged that aged rich men attract younger women like flies to a dropped chop. The 89 year old ex F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone has just had…

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Get Ready For The Roaring 20’s, Party Animals

Are you ready to party? Because the “roaring 20’s” are on their way. World War 1 followed by the Spanish flu pandemic ensured that the 1920’s also got off to a bad start. But when…

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My Day Our Plinth Will Come.

…..That’s the thought I had as a statue of a slave trader was chucked into Bristol harbour, Christopher Columbus was beheaded in Boston and confederates like Robert E Lee bit the dust all over America….

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Not so perfect Mother’s Day

Are you a Mum? Then step up to the podium and receive your award. Kid and career juggling takes the agility and expertise of a gymnast trying to balance on a beam. For decades you’ve…

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Corona uncoupling

“What’s in that brown paper bag on your desk?” I asked my girlfriend, over skype. “It’s a bottle of whiskey. I got it for my husband.” “What a great swap,” I laughed. She laughed too,…

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Time to become an influencer…

Sorry. Make that Influenzor. Blogs, podcasts, Insta updates, influencers…Not having a “lifestyle” platform casts you out into social Siberia. Well, now we can add ‘influenzors’ because every self isolator seems to have a vlog to…

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Testing Corona Positive

Are you testing positive for Corona? I don’t mean the vile disease. I mean, are you secretly enjoying self isolation? I know this deadly pandemic is terrifying, but much to my amazement, I am finding…

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Optimism is not an eye disease

My local bookshop has a new sign in the window – “Please note; the post-apocalyptical fiction section has been moved to current affairs.” It’s hard to disagree. What with burning rainforests; Alabama rolling back abortion…

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