You searched for: FAMILY

Covid Christmas

So, did Santa bring the presents you wanted? All I got for Christmas was Covid. It’s the gift that just keeps on giving. And yet I’d been so careful. At work I’d kept a mask welded to my face which read, simply, “Veiled Comment” and only ventured into supermarkets wearing a biohazard suit and an aqua lung.

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I’ve never been so glad to see a horlicks and a hob nob. Why? Well, I’ve just got back to Britain after a two month Sydney lockdown. My Oz Odyssey felt like a time warp. Quarantining, mandatory mask wearing, social isolating…

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Life in the insular peninsular

I’m writing to you from my teenage bedroom… The David Bowie and Pink Floyd posters are still on the walls. My vinyl records remain stacked under the bed – Carole King, Carly Simon, Tubular Bells, Led Zeppelin et all. I’ve moved back home to The Shire from London for two months to celebrate my beloved Mum’s 90th birthday.

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Soap Oprah: Whose side are you on?

So, now the blood has soaked into the shagpile, what did you make of the Soap Oprah? I’ve been in Britain since the broadcast and let me tell you, there’s no other topic of conversation.

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The best mother’s day gift?

Teenagers are God’s punishment for having sex in the first place. Living with a teenage daughter is like living with the Taliban; mothers aren’t allowed to dance, sing, flirt, laugh or wear short skirts.

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Holidaying with my autistic son in the time of Corona

And hoping to be kidnapped by Pirates… Stressed? No, I wasn’t stressed… I always floss my ears, run a comb through my teeth and spritz my armpits with hairspray. It wasn’t until the morning I broke an egg on my hand and fried my iPhone that I finally admitted how a year of furlough, social distancing, doomscrolling, quarantining and lockdown had taken its toll.

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My books

Read at your own risqué

What do women really want in bed? Breakfast. Oh, and a good book.
If you’re looking for a funny, frivolous yet feisty new read, do slip between my covers. Satisfaction guaranteed.

My rogues gallery

The things I get up to when I should be writing….

I’ve added my fave pics of the people who are my human wonder bras – uplifting and supportive and make me look bigger and better. Plus the odd snap of me too. There may be a few faces you recognise – but nobody two-faced, that’s for sure.

One liners, wise cracks and witticisms

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