What I'm up to

A window into my world...

Here’s a selection of scribblings in which I peel all the way down to my emotional underwear – a psychological striptease that occasionally reveals all.

The Boy Who Fell to Earth (pt I)

A romantic comedy with a pinch of social satire and a soupcon of heartbreak The paperback of my latest novel The Boy Who Fell to Earth is out today and I’ve been thinking a lot…

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Musings on International Women’s Day

It’s fitting to be in Adelaide on International Women’s Day, as South Australia was the first place in the world to give women the vote. And yet, 128 years later, I despair at how blokey…

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Mummy Porn

For most married couples, being ‘creative in bed’ simply means taking up knitting whilst watching Lateline. There comes a time in every marriage when a slow drip sexual ennui sets in. It’s been so long…

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The serious side of comedy writing

For aspiring comic authors, there are many technical terms you first need to master. For example, did you know that ‘brontosaurus’ is an anthology of works by 19th century English sister authors? Then there’s grammatical…

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Puberty Blues and the temptations and traps of adaptation

Asking a novelist if they like the film adaptation of their novel is a little like asking a turkey if it likes Christmas. There have been so many bad adaptations of good books, readers often…

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International Women’s Day

On 8th March 2012, as part of International Women’s Day, I took part in the “Join me on the Bridge” campaign in London. Women and men gathered on bridges all around the world to take…

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My books

Read at your own risqué

What do women really want in bed? Breakfast. Oh, and a good book.
If you’re looking for a funny, frivolous yet feisty new read, do slip between my covers. Satisfaction guaranteed.

My rogues gallery

The things I get up to when I should be writing….

I’ve added my fave pics of the people who are my human wonder bras – uplifting and supportive and make me look bigger and better. Plus the odd snap of me too. There may be a few faces you recognise – but nobody two-faced, that’s for sure.

One liners, wise cracks and witticisms

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